The Madness of King Kevin- DISTURBING CONTENT WARNING!!!

The Madness of King Kevin- DISTURBING CONTENT WARNING!!!



From the link:



The Directors of ExopoliticsTV met on Friday Dec. 19, 2014 and for the following reasons have decided to take all ExopoliticsTV interviews with Kevin Annett, sole spokesperson for ITCCS, offline until further notice.


  1. Kevin Annett has refused to make available George Dufort, the ITCCS personnel in charge of ITCCS available for interview to corroborate the statements made by Kevin Annett in interviews with ExopoliticsTV since Sept 14, 2011.  Because of the statement of ExopoliticsTV, Alfred Lambremont Webre [See below], there is probable cause to believe that fraudulent statements by Kevin Annett may appear throughout each of these interviews.  ExopoliticsTV does not have the resources to edit each video for possible such statements at this time.
  2. ExopoliticsTV does not wish to be responsible morally, ethically or financially for broadcasting false and misleading information about the topics that Kevin Annett is addressing in his interviews.
  3. Public Health & Welfare – The issues addressed in Kevin Annett’s interviews are paramount to public health and welfare, especially of children and our institutions.  AS soon as independent, corroborative evidence comes forward on the issues Kevin Annett has addressed, ExopoliticsTV will broadcast that evidence.

Vancouver, BC Dec. 19, 2014

Geri DeStefano-Webre, PhD

Alfred Lambremont Webre, Med, JD




I interviewed Kevin Annett as sole ITCCS spokesman for 3 years and I took on faith many statements he made because of my 10 year relationship with him at Vancouver Coop Radio.

On Oct. 28, 2014, a woman friend of mine came to me with a report that Annett had been simultaneously romancing and proposing marriage to several women in different parts of the planet. I had also noticed that young beautiful women would be appointed administrators by Annett of the ITCCS Facebook group [which I had founded] who then would become traveling companions to Annett across Canada and to Europe.

My friend told me that Annett was engaging in unethical interpersonal relationships with multiple women. By coincidence Annett was scheduled for an ExopoliticsTV interview in early Nov 2014 and I confronted him with what I had been told. Annett lied to me face to face as an ExopoliticsTV interviewer and Producer, saying he hardly knew my friend whereas they had been going out for 2 years. Annett then accused my friend, who runs a spiritual center, of being a government agent. At that moment as a broadcaster  I lost trust in Kevin Annett as I sensed he was deliberately lying for deceptive media purposes.
Within the past two weeks investigator Heather Martin published interviews with two women whom Annett was simultaneously romancing at the same time he was my friend and living a jet set international life style on proceeds he had obtained through breach of trust with yet another female ITCCS supporter who gave him a total of $150,000 for ITCCS that was misapplied to his personal lifestyle.

I decided that as a matter of due diligence I should request an independent interview with George Dufort who Annett indicated had functioned as a coordinator of ITCCS Brussels. Over the past several months I had received emails purportedly written by George Dufort. I also knew that some researchers had concluded that George Dufort, like Jeremiah Jourdain, were fictitious persons Annett had made up in an effort to make his organization real.
Upon my request of an interview with George Dufort, Annett escalated into a public hostile response indicating that I would be the target of a Tribunal and Grand Jury starting in January in Vancouver.

Hence I issued a Protective Order to protect my home and the 10 people in it including elementary and secondary aged students from being threatened by the Grand Jury and Republic of Kanata gang, mandating no contact and prohibiting them from coming within 100 meters of my house.

ExopoliticsTV has now developed and will be publishing evidence that Annett manipulated $150,000 from one such woman to support his lifestyle in the ITCCS, constituting fraud and breach of trust. has yet to receive verification that ITCCS Brussels personnel or the court exist. Moreover we have receive preliminary information impeaching one of Annett’s principal European witnesses.

In the course of following through on due diligence we have been attacked and distorted by Annett and followers.

Our articles exposing Annett’s breach of trust, compulsive lying, financial fraud, and shady involvement in child trafficking issues will be appearing in the coming weeks and months

Our working hypothesis is that one of the functions of ITCCS is to displace and discredit any genuine citizen offered in this field.

Alfred Lambremont Webre,

Dec. 19, 2014

Republik of Kanata and the New Godless Colonialism

Republik of Kanata and the New Godless Colonialism

From the link:

I wonder what new Treaties Kevin Annett will strike with the First Nations people (formerly of Canada) now that this country has been disestablished and dissolved?  Certainly he has thought about the ramifications of a Reverend (as I have called him, the Great White Savior) setting up a new Republik on the lands occupied by Anishinaabe, Metis and Cree people?  I say ‘occupied’ because only the white man has had a concept of ownership of the land as part of their conquest of it and in doing so created the concept of subjugation.

I ask this question because the wording of Kevin’s latest ‘Proclamation and Declaration’ should leave many people puzzled about what he actually means.

In Witness Thereof, We pledge our mutual lives and our sacred honour, and have hereunto set our hands and signatures and caused to be established the Seal of the Federated Republic of Kanata as a Free Society on the Land, under customary land law jurisdiction. The Constitution of our Republic and this Proclamation are ratified and in effect as of today, Friday, October 31, 2014.

The term “land law jurisdiction” should give further pause given the following information on Land Law:

Land law is the form of law that deals with the rights to usealienate, or exclude others from land. In many jurisdictions, these kinds of property are referred to as real estate or real property, as distinct from personal propertyLand use agreements, including renting, are an important intersection of property and contract lawEncumbrance on the land rights of one, such as an easement, may constitute the land rights of another. Mineral rights and water rights are closely linked, and often interrelated concepts. Land rights are such a basic form of law that they develop even where there is no state to enforce them; for example, the claim clubs of the American West were institutions that arose organically to enforce the system of rules appurtenant to mining. Squatting, the occupation of land without ownership, is a [sic] globally ubiquitous.


Sovereignty of the land is already afforded to Original peoples in a unique form of Alloidal Title known as aboriginal title:

Aboriginal title is a common law doctrine that the land rights of indigenous peoples to customary tenure persist after the assumption ofsovereignty under settler colonialism. The requirements of proof for the recognition of aboriginal title, the content of aboriginal title, the methods of extinguishing aboriginal title, and the availability of compensation in the case of extinguishment vary significantly by jurisdiction. Nearly all jurisdictions are in agreement that aboriginal title is inalienable, except to the national government, and that it may be held either individually or collectively.

Aboriginal title was first acknowledged in the early 19th century, in decisions in which indigenous peoples were not a party. Significant aboriginal title litigation resulting in victories for indigenous peoples did not arise until recent decades. The majority of court cases have been litigated in AustraliaCanadaMalaysiaNew Zealand, and the United States. Aboriginal title is an important area of comparative law, with many cases being cited as persuasive authority across jurisdictions. Many commentators believe that the doctrine is applicable in all common law legal systems.



Let me restate this: Aboriginal title is inalienable, except to the national government and that includes a new Federated Republik of Kanata.  Inalienable rights are natural rights that cannot be sold, transferred or removed (except by the national government according to the Wikipedia page on Aboriginal Title).  And while Kevin has made mention of how the colonial occupation of Native lands occurred and was a terrible thing, he uses it not as an opportunity to ratify those wrongs with his own ‘reparations’ laid out in his Charter, but to reference the land as ‘ours’.  Does Colin Sullivan have a provision to address the inherent rights of First Nations people over the rights of the decendant’s of the colonials who stole their ‘vast resources and wealth’?  Or will land law jurisdiction be used to exclude the natives from their inalienable rights under the new Republik Government?  This begs the question about how many Natives will join this Free Republik?  Nevermind how many ‘Free Citizens’ will arrest the Queen and Pope given that the arrest warrants expired earlier this year and that they are forgeries by the soon to be late and great George Dufort LLB? (False identities soon disappear once they’re outed).

Is there no one asking a single ‘hard’ question of this man and his delusional ‘apostles’.


Kevin has written that the constitution for this grand Republik is to be ratified on the highest occult holiday of the year, Samhain or the Festival of the Dead; Friday, October 31, 2014.

It is indeed strange that a Christian Reverend, who steadfastly maintains that Satanists are at the root of pedophile rings and the evil Transnational Organization called Vatican II, would choose this high holy day for Satanists to ‘seal’ a covenant?  And will this ‘historic document’ be signed by Rev. Annett at the Oodena Celebration Circle, one of Winnipeg’s most curious and allegedly pagan/occult sites aside from the Legislature building itself?  It’s too bad that signatories can’t embark on Frank Albo’s Hermetic Code tour of the Legislature as part of their pagan initiation into the Republik.  They might, if they were Christian, be inclined to change their mind about their new-found ‘freedom’.

Why Winnipeg? If not for it’s occult history and Freemasonic roots?:

“The Legislative Buildings of Manitoba appear to be the only legislative buildings in Canada to embody designs consistent with Masonic architectural principles and occultic/pagan imagery. The location of such a building almost exactly in the center of Canada is believed to be significant and not coincidental.” – See more at:

But Kevin is a Christian minister, you say!  He has a congregational church in South Dakota, where he reads Bible verses from airport payphones for Sunday sermons broadcasted over the internet, you say!  And let us not forget that he’s performed three exorcisms in St. Peter’s square in Rome and is crusading against the Satanic Ninth Circle Cult!

Tell me this, (Christian apologists for a New World Order shill), how Christian can a minister be who denies that Jesus Christ ever existed?

In Kevin Annett’s recent interview with Alfred Webre, Kevin Annett says the following regarding claims that Pope Francis is the ‘false prophet’ of Revelation’s (starting at 38:22):

“When you look at papal history a lot of this is fabricated and it’s used politically by the different factions in Rome and all that, so I would not take these predictions and prophesies literally, that’s a big mistake people make, including in reading the bible.”


“I mean the book of Revelation was written as a, uh, in the politically censored language of the time, uh, they couldn’t refer to Rome, they referred to the beast with 7 heads, you know the seven hills of Rome, things like that.  And even in terms of discussion of AntiChrist, the AntiChrist was never seen as a man but as a place, and that’s made clear, uh, you know, all through the Bible and other references to it, that they’re referring to Rome, to the institution of the Empire, not to an individual, so, I really think people need to keep that in mind when they’re listening to the latest (laugh) so called prophet, on these prophesies on this whole issue”.


Aside from being a terrible interviewee who just makes up SH#T as he goes, this is a man who has denied Jesus Christ existed and has denied his apostle John who wrote that:

2 John 1:7 – For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

AntiChrist is not a place as much as Kevin might want it to be, but is a spirit dwelling within those who deny Christ, who work on behalf of Satan and his minions and that the Beast is the utmost indwelling of the AntiChrist spirit whose name is also 666.  But Kevin would twist his ‘ministry’ to make it solely about Rome and the Popes and deny that the Bible is the sword of truth.  He wants you to believe that a new Promised Land is at hand and that it is within your grasp, but he has a history of letting others do his dirty work, often getting arrested in the process and becoming martyrs to the ITCCS cause.  It is a Promised Land that will no doubt feature Kevin as the proverbial Moses – having led people out of their bondage (or is it INTO bondage?) to wander the desert for forty years.

Let those religious followers crying “Bless-you Kevin!” who pray ferverently for the success of this new State, now have eyes to see and ears to hear. And may the Natives seek redress from the Interim President of the Provisional Republik of Kanata (aka. Eagle Strong Voice adopted member of the Turtle, or is it Crane?, clan of the Anishinaabe) where the Canadian Governement has failed to do so.  Let’s see Kevin put his money where his mouth is.


Debunking Kevin Annett’s Kangaroo Courts…

Debunking Kevin Annett’s Kangaroo Courts…

The Kangroo of the Kangaroo Court that is the ITCCS: Kevin Annett.
The Kangroo of the Kangaroo Court that is the ITCCS: Kevin Annett.

From the link:

As I explained in my article about bush turkeys, they are pesky creatures who, once they start building a nest in your back yard, are very hard to get rid of. That analogy couldn’t have been more true about Kevin Annett- despite the fact that the vast majority of people have seen through his deception- he just keeps on trying…

A friend posted a link on my Facebook page a couple of days ago of Annett doing an interview with the Truther Girls last week. It would have been funny, had it not been so say- listening to Annett continue shovelling his manure can be rather depressing at times. But, as comedic relief, Annett does make a number of humorous misstatements:

1. “We Are Establishing de Jure Courts”

Annett’s use of the phrase de Jure is good for a laugh. De Jure means “legitimate”- so, what he’s saying is that he’s creating legitimate courts by the virtue of saying they are legitimate. The problem is that they aren’t- one can’t create their own court. Well, one could, but it would be a kangaroo court- and this pretty much nullifies the use of the word de jure. Basically, this whole statement of his is beyond stupid…

2. “They are acting under an order from the Vatican, it’s a law called Crimen Sollicitationis under Canon Law”

Once again Kevin has got something so wrong it is laughable. Crimen sollicitationis is a document that was created by the Vatican in 1962. But, the Vatican is no longer operating under this document- in fact, it was nullified on May 18th, 2001. Currently, the Catholic Church operates under a document titled “Sacramentorum sanctitatis tutela”. So, sorry Kevin, you are exposing your ignorance when you say this…

3. “This is not a mock trial…We are setting up, under common law power…”

There are two primary types of law- Common Law & Statute Law. Common law refers to the laws that are more or less “that’s the way it has always been done.” Common law relies upon the body of history and prior cases to establish what the rules are, one of the reasons lawyers study past cases so much. Statute law refers to the laws that have been passed by the legislature and have been written down and ‘codified’ for use.

Annett says he is conducting a criminal case, Criminal Law is codified into Statute Law, and is not related to Common Law. So, when Annett says his tribunals are not”mock trials” but they are, but virtue of the fact that tribunals are, in Canada, creatures of statute only. So, basically, what Annett is saying here, is circular nonsense.

4. “We are creating Peace officers”

Once again, Annett contradicts himself here. Peace Officers are, in Canada, defined under Statute Law and not under Common Law.

5. “We are going to conduct citizen arrests”

Section 494 of the Criminal Code outlines the circumstances where a citizen may make a citizens arrest. One is ONLY able to do it if one catches a criminal IN THE ACT of committing an indictable offense. So, once more, this is complete nonsense. If anyone actually takes Annett’s advice on citizen arrests they would find themselves charged with a crime.

Annett claims that he has a “highly experienced” legal team working with him- this is obviously a lie. Because, if he actually had qualified and experienced lawyers, they would have immediately corrected him on what he has been saying. I know, as I’ve run the information in this article past a couple of lawyers, and they both agree with me on all of these points.

Kevin’s statements are continually proven to be so wrong they are ludicrous. I proved that while he was lying about filing an (impossible to file) court case in Toronto. He proved this himself after claiming, with absolute confidence, that he found human bones at the Six Nations reserve (they turned out to be animal.) There are so many examples of how Annett is lying that it is hard to keep up with all of them in fact.

If you are someone who is still supporting this guy, you need to think long and hard about what you are doing. The longer you support Annett, the less likely it will look like you are an innocent person who was fooled, and the more likely it is you will be seen as a co-conspirator. The consequences of this could have a serious impact on your life- perhaps to the point of losing your freedom…

And, a special note to Alfred Webre. You have no excuse to be standing behind this nonsense- you’re a lawyer, remember? As it stands, until you take action to separate yourself from Kevin Annett’s deception, you are a de facto co-conspirator…

My personal message to the fraud Kevin Annett of the ITCCS

My personal message to the fraud Kevin Annett of the ITCCS

The Kangroo of the Kangaroo Court that is the ITCCS: Kevin Annett.
The Kangroo of the Kangaroo Court that is the ITCCS: Kevin Annett.

Kevin, Kevin, Kevin….you are such a disgusting little puke. One of the things I am glad about was being able to talk to all my brothers and sisters up in the First Nation in Canada about your twisted, psychopatic freak ass with a god complex.

Glad my brothers and sisters of the First Nation told you to go piss off. But they all pretty much you spoke with “forked tongue and lying lips” to them anyway.

But Kevin, you reject of humanity, you’ve been a naughty, disgusting little troll. Why I love how you attack anyone who exposes your frauds, your illegal activities. your complete and utter bullshit. I love how you attack women, saying that they are just jealous.

You’re a scum Kevin Annett and on this blog of mine, I am also going to help expose you for the piece of shit, the outhouse dwelling, inbred, second grade drop out homeschooled because your teacher was molesting you, idiot freak that you are.

Come and attack me for it Kevin, you piece of shit, cause I got no fear, and I got nothing to lose. Oh and Bill Donohue, Cardinal Timothy Dolan and the others have tried it against me too…and they are done.

So Kevin, you piece of human shit…want to try attacking me?